Hello and welcome to my blog. I am very glad that you are interested in me and my work. What you can expect here are insights into my life in Zanzibar and on the Tanzanian mainland. I will also show you how I have defined my simple lifestyle and give you tips and tricks on the topic of minimalism | Simplify your life.

I spent a long time thinking about what I should write about in my very first blog post. I have a lot of ideas and thoughts in my head. Then I thought that somehow the theme that ties everything together is Tanzania | Africa. So I'm writing about my very first trip to this fascinating continent and what it did to me.

In 2022, we decided to take a vacation to Zanzibar in East Africa. As a huge Freddie Mercury fan, I wanted to know where he was actually born. I wanted to walk in the very streets he walked in as a child. I wanted to see the beach he must have visited many times. That was the plan. And a little beach vacation, relax and maybe go to a party or two... but then everything turned out differently than expected.
We met Beth and Maasai Mango on "Safari Blue". Beth had been living on Zanzibar for two years and took me to various parties and excursions where I got to know other locals and Maasai. My whole life changed within a week. I have never been so happy, so much myself, felt my femininity so intense and met such people as I did on Zanzibar. Something happened on Zanzibar, I can't describe it, but I felt so at home.
It quickly became clear: I had to go back. My heart was screaming like crazy. Everything was just so different. Living conditions are simpler, people don't own as much as we do and there is a lack of certain standards that we know from Europe. But when I look at the way of life, I consider the people there to be much richer than us - just not materially. They have time - for conversations, for games, for dancing, simply for each other - they have fun and enjoy life and generally have an attitude to life that we can still learn so much from here in Europe. So I decided on the spot to come back as soon as possible and see what happens. The farewell at the airport was full of tears. I've never experienced that before either.

I was in constant contact with the Maasais Mango and Jakob during the three months I was at home. Jakob often called me with his little brother Kibonge, whom he had already taught his first words in English.
Mango, for example, sent us photos and a video in which he and a few children from his village welcome us to Sauni. Amour (a local) - cab driver, manager, lifesaver and now part of my Zanzibar family - and I were also in constant contact. So it was a great joy when we finally saw each other again in January 2023.
I spent a total of nine months in Zanzibar last year. And I will be there again this year for most of the time. Africa has changed me. I am more balanced, happier and listen much more to my inner voice. New professional paths have also opened up for me that I hadn't thought of before. It feels as if everything I've learned and experienced so far makes sense here and can finally be applied.
My open approach to people, my ability to adapt quickly to new situations and also my language skills are needed there. English is important when you're abroad anyway. I now have a very good command of this language. But Italian is also needed in Zanzibar. Italians are still the number one tourist group, and a lot of expats from Italy have also settled in Zanzibar. I'm sure that after a while I won't have any problems with Swahili either. The country simply suits me.
But another voice came up inside me and wanted to be heard. Even when I was still at school, I was incredibly interested in psychology. Back then, I wanted to study psychology at some point and perhaps become a psychologist or psychotherapist. However, life intervened and I dropped this idea again. It just wasn't the right time. An encounter in Nungwi then opened my eyes. I met Renjith from India. We spent two days together before he left for Stonetown and talked about God and the world. I took him everywhere, introduced him to my friends and made the most of the two days. Afterwards, he told me how much I had inspired him, and a lot has changed in his life in the meantime. This feedback inspired me in turn and the scales fell from my eyes. I suddenly knew and felt that I had to start my own business as a coach | mentor.

The question now arose as to what exactly I should do and how I should do it. It was also important to me to include the topic of Africa. And then the area of minimalism simply came about because I now feel so overwhelmed by all the consumption and excess here in Europe. Reducing, living out of two suitcases, has simply shown me that less really is more. More quality of life, more structure, more time for the essentials, more flexibility and more money to spend on experiences. But above all, I am so much happier and freer when I have less. And I love sharing what I have with my friends. Sharing is caring is one of our guiding principles. We share our food, drinks, whatever. I also always bring clothes and toys for “my” big and little Maasai, which everyone is always very happy about. There are so many lovely people in my area in Austria who give me clothes, especially children's clothes, so that I can take them with me. I am so infinitely grateful for that.
And because I love this country so much, I would like to show it to you. Together with Simon, a Maasai friend from Monduli (near Arusha), I organize safaris in Tanzania and support you as a travel consultant in planning your trip to Zanzibar. If you like, I can also accompany you on site. Together with my friends, I will show you how to travel by daladala (bus) or bodaboda (motorcycle). I'll show you where I like to eat, where we like to play pool, my favorite bars and of course the best parties on the island. During my time on Zanzibar, I was able to build up a good network and know the tricks and tips to make your Zanzibar vacation an unforgettable experience.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. If you have any questions about Africa, my coaching or would like to come to Tanzania/Zanzibar yourself, just write to me. I look forward to accompanying you on your individual journey. Whether in coaching, for travel organization or simply to exchange thoughts. I look forward to your messages or feedback.
See you soon :)
Best regards,
Yours Silvia